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STM32H745 dual core debugging using Keil and ULINK2


We are working on a project using STM32745 and we are able to successfully flash both cores (m7 and m4) using Keil and ULINK2 and run it.

But now we are at a stage where we need to debug some of the code. So far I have not found any document on how to debug dual core using Keil and ULINK2.

Can you please point us to the right direction.

  • Please also see our application note 338 step 6 on page 8:

    The most important sentence for you in this chapter is:

    This application note uses the ST-Link as debug interface. All the Keil debug adapters like ULINKpro, ULINKplus and ULINK2 can be used the same way. Only when using ULINK2 to debug both applications at the same time (see step 6c), you need to select the driver ‘CMSIS-DAP Debugger’ instead of ‘ULINK2/ME Cortex Debugger’.

    This application note was written for MDK 5.35 and later. I don't know if you can use version 5.24. Please also note that the procedure to generate two projects for this device (one for each core) has changed with newer STM32H7 device family packs. So please ignore step 1 - 5 of this application note.

  • Please also see our application note 338 step 6 on page 8:

    The most important sentence for you in this chapter is:

    This application note uses the ST-Link as debug interface. All the Keil debug adapters like ULINKpro, ULINKplus and ULINK2 can be used the same way. Only when using ULINK2 to debug both applications at the same time (see step 6c), you need to select the driver ‘CMSIS-DAP Debugger’ instead of ‘ULINK2/ME Cortex Debugger’.

    This application note was written for MDK 5.35 and later. I don't know if you can use version 5.24. Please also note that the procedure to generate two projects for this device (one for each core) has changed with newer STM32H7 device family packs. So please ignore step 1 - 5 of this application note.
