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Keil Embedded File System Issues

I am using Keil EFS in my project. I am observing "Disk Full" error during testing. I am writing two files File A and FileB .My sequence of writing and deleting is as mentioned below,

Write File A, if write successful, Delete File B and in next iteration

Write File B , if write successful , Delete file A  ... This contiunes perodically at X rate.  But after successfully writing for few iterations, (File Size ~ 1MB ) , I am getting disk full error.

My Flash size is 4 MB. I am using Keil V5.3, EFS version = 6.15 , Keil Middleware version =7.15

So queries are,

A) Even after deleting file, why  I am getting disk full?

B ) How writing and deleting operations work for Embedded file system?

C)  Using same file name FileA and FileB for mutileple write,delete operations  is allowed in EFS?