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STM32F7 Hardware Acceleration mbedTLS

I am working on a project with the Keil MDK that requires HTTPS. I am using version 7.15.0 of the Keil Network Component and version 2.28.0 of the mbedTLS pack in Keil. My microcontroller is the STM32F777. 

When I turn on HTTPS for the compact web server, the server runs pretty slowly (about 5 seconds to load a page). I should note, I am sending XML packets to the client device every few seconds for live updates, so the web pages continue to run slow even after they are first loaded. 

The STM32F777 does have both a hash and cryptographic processor, however. My thought would be that I can enable these two processors and it would speed up the calculations for security. Is there a way to make an alternative implementation for AES encryption using the cryptographic processor on the chip?