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Keil cannot find DAPLink with new version firmware


I'm trying to build DAPLink for my STM32F103CB board, however Keil cannot find DAPLink with new version firmware. This is my discovery:

  • If I build DAPLink with the newest release (v0257) and download this firmware into STM32 board, Keil cannot find this DAP, however DAPLink can be detected for other softwares such as OpenOCD and PyOCD. 
  • If I build DAPLink with older release (such as v0251), DAPLink can be detected as usual. 
  • I found the root cause is DAP_Info command with ID=0x02 (Get the Product Name). If I remove related code (DAP.c:80) and make DAPLink simply reply nothing, Keil will detect DAPLink and work as usual.

This problem can be reproduce for Keil v5.37.


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