Actually on my product I'm using a NAND flash memory with NO hardware ECC. I use the KEIL software ECC 1-bit on this product.
The memory actually used is an end of life component witch we will replace by another similar BUT the new one has hardware ECC built in. For simplicity reasons I don't want to change the software on my product to disable the software ECC provided by KEIL.
Is there any side effect of using the KEIL software ECC 1bit with a NAND flash with hardware ECC ?
Thank you for your time!
I can at least offer a reference to our official documentation:
"NAND Flash Translation Layer"
if your new device has ECC disabled by default then there won't be any side effect. Can you share the name of the new device, so that we can look at the datasheet?
Hello, thanks for the quick answer, the new NAND flash is the following : MX30LF1GE8AB-TI
Although MX30LF1GE8AB-TI has ECC enabled by default this should not cause any side effects even with 1-bit software ECC enabled.From the Table 7-2 (MX30LF1Gx datasheet) can be seen that the whole 16B spare area is protected with internal ECC. This is the area where software ECC data is stored and apparently there is no interference with the data from internal ECC. So, using existing 1-bit software ECC should work.