Dear Sirs,
There are 2 code rams in my project, 0x0~0x1FFF and 0x8000~0x9FFF.
I have already located the functions of the C file to address 0x8000.
You could see the ?PR?PROTOCOL_VARIABLE_INIT?PROTOCOL at address 0x8000. (refer to photo1)
But I don't understand why there are another code (?PR?PROTOCOL) still at address 0x10CF. (refer to photo1 and photo2)
After I check the disassembly code, the compiler generate many symbols for this C file.
I add the ?PROTOCL in the BL_Locate>Code. Yes,I could locate these symbols to address 0x9694 (refer to photo3)
My question is,
If I want to locate all assembly code for this c file to another address,
I should declare the functions of this C file and symbols which generated by compiler in BL_Locate>Code, is it correct?
If the answer is correct, is it also able to gurrante that all the assembly code of this c file is already located in the address 0x8000 area?
Thanks for your help in advance.