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Migration from MBED-Online-Compiler to Keil-Cloud-Studio

I used MBED Onlinecompiler with Nucleo-L152RE which is very spread in German schools.

On migrating I observerd the following Issues:

Run-Button exits with RDDI-DSL ERROR: vRviTTAPSeqSim::RunSequence(): SDS_ERR_SESSION_COMMS_FAIL : SDS session comms failed.
ErrCode [0x001B] ExitCode [0x0000]

Debug Button exits the same. No debug possible

No possibility to see the documentation of mbedos or other library as possible in mbed onlinecompiler

No possibility to search for community programs or libraries like in the import-funktion of mbed onlinecompiler

alternativ Targert: Target "NUCLEO_G474RE" is not recognized, no build possible

This way Keil-online-studio is a very poor replacement to mbed onlinecompiler.


Joerg Sturm