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Can I use GDB to debug a programme compiled with ARM C 5?

I am at my wits' end with Keil's debugger. I am much more familiar with plain gdb or the Eclipse standalone debugger. Is it possible to use GDB to connect to a binary running on my dev board using the Segger GDB server, when the binary was compiled in Keil with the ARM C Compiler v5?

I have tried it, and I can set up the GDB Server, and then I use the Eclipse debugger to connect to localhost:2331.

My setup for Eclipse is:

Binary: /path/to/file.bin

Build Log Path: none

Host Name: localhost

Port Number: 2331

Attach: Ticked

When I click on Pause, the programme clearly stops, because it otherwise blinks an LED, and this stop blinking. However, if I open the sources, I am unable to set breakpoints or step through the code.