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I could not get a Proper software time delay as per calculation. I am using Timer 0 Mode 1 (16 bit timer) of Microchip AT89C51 with a crystal frequency 11.0592Mhz.

I could not get a Proper software time delay as per calculation. I am using Timer 0 Mode 1 (16 bit timer) of Microchip AT89C51 with a crystal frequency 11.0592MHz.
I have keil uVision 5. kindly let me know if i made a mistake. Here is a simple code that i've used to genrate 25ms delay at Port 2 pin 0.

#include <reg51.h>

sbit mybit = P2^0;
void T0M1_delay (void);
void main(void)
TMOD = 0x01;
mybit =~mybit;
void T0M1_delay()

After compilation & built, it do not gives an error or warning. I measure the delay in a logic analizer, and found very small value about 17.4 microsecond Delay insted of 25ms.