The inside of the osEventFlagsSet
If (xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR (hEventGroup (EventBits_t) flags, & yield) != pdFAIL)
Should be changed to
If (xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR (hEventGroup (EventBits_t) flags, & yield) == pdFAIL)
uint32_t osEventFlagsSet (osEventFlagsId_t ef_id, uint32_t flags) { EventGroupHandle_t hEventGroup = (EventGroupHandle_t)ef_id; uint32_t rflags; BaseType_t yield;
if ((hEventGroup == NULL) || ((flags & EVENT_FLAGS_INVALID_BITS) != 0U)) { rflags = (uint32_t)osErrorParameter; } else if (IS_IRQ()) { yield = pdFALSE;
if (xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR (hEventGroup, (EventBits_t)flags, &yield) != pdFAIL) { rflags = (uint32_t)osErrorResource; } else { rflags = flags; portYIELD_FROM_ISR (yield); } } else { rflags = xEventGroupSetBits (hEventGroup, (EventBits_t)flags); }
return (rflags);}
Thanks for reporting, but a closer investigation requires:
1. A detailed explanation of your suggestion
2. A confirmation of the versions in use of:
- the ARM::CMSIS Pack (
- Keil MDK 5 (
3. A Support Ticket created with your Arm-account:
4. ...and attached to this ticket a demonstrating code snippet/project
Hello! This looks like FreeRTOS code. So, you should contact the authors of this, if there is a problem with it.
This looks like an old bug from CMSIS-FreeRTOS, which was fixed with the following commit:- osEventFlagsSet in correctly handles status return from xEventGroupSe… · ARM-software/CMSIS-FreeRTOS@7823ec0 ( possible update to the latest version to avoid hitting old bugs.