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STM32f103c8 ADC error, Constant error value and erratic output

I am trying to create ADC using STM32F103C8. Software i am using are:

a. STM32CubeMX

b. Keil Vision -- V5

c. Hercules to Monitor the Serial Output

Clock Setting of STM is


Code  :-

while (1)
        raw = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1);
        float vin = (double)raw*(3.3/4096);
        sprintf(msg1,"Vol = %.2f , HEX Value = %.4x \r\n",vin, raw);
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */

i am getting a constant DC Output of around 1.69 Volt, when input volt at ADC is Zero (Screen Shot attached). After supplying any Voltage value between 0 - 3.3 Volt, output is varying contentiously between 0 to 3.3 Volt.

I have checked the input reference volt, it is 3.3 Volt. Can you suggest me how to resolve this issue. have printed a HEX value of output of function HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1).

  • Issue got resolved. I got suggestion on other community, it worked..

    > i am getting a constant DC Output of around 1.69 Volt, when input volt at ADC is Zero


    I guess, you've left the input floating (unconnected) - ADC output is then undefined.


    Zero input means, that the input is connected to ground.

