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How can I use ETM by using TM4C123GH6PM+KEIL+ulink pro

A few days ago, I tried to use ulink pro+keil to test the code coverage of stm32f103, and I completed the task successfully. Now, I want to test the code coverage of TM4C123GH6PM. I enabled the clock of GPIOF, set the mode of PF1, PF2, PF3. When I started debug, the keil reported a error: Trace: Data stream error

I edited the file Trace.ini and I set the debug option like this. What is the cause of this problem? How can I solve it? 

** Define the function to enable the trace port
FUNC void EnableTPIU(void) {

// Enable trace port and clock signals

  _WDWORD(0x400FE608, _RDWORD(0x400FE608) | 0x00000020);// RCC  IO port F clock enable
  _WDWORD(0x4002552c, 0x0000EEE0);    // GPIOFCTL   功能14
	_WDWORD(0x40025420, 0x0000000e);     //复用开启(GPIOAFSEL)
	_WDWORD(0x4002551c, 0x0000000e);    //推挽(GPIODEN)
	_WDWORD(0x40025500, 0x0000000e);    //2mA

** Invoke the function at debugger startup

** Execute upon software RESET
FUNC void OnResetExec(void)  {