.\Objects\callcfromassy.axf: error: L6002U: Could not open file .\objects\main.o: No such file or directoryNot enough information to list image symbols.Not enough information to list load addresses in the image map.Finished: 2 information, 0 warning, 0 error and 1 fatal error messages.".\Objects\callcfromassy.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).Target not created.Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:00
I m actually trying to write a basic code which calls .c function into an assembly code.
I get the above error only for this program:
I checked in the objects folder for other codes as well...the difference being generation of main.o file, i.e. it is not getting generated only for this code!. I tried changing the compiler version to V5.06 update 7 i get another error as below:
main.s(1): error: A1157E: Syntax error following directiveassembling startup_TM4C123.s...compiling function.c...function.c(9): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline }function.c: 1 warning, 0 errorscompiling system_TM4C123.c...".\Objects\callcfromassy.axf" - 1 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).Target not created.Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:00
Can you please suggest i could do, have been stuck with this since days , is this compiler related issue or am i missing out on something