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How to avoid DCD?

I'm sorry. I don't know why it happened, but... the previous post was deleted. Ask the question again.


This is a communication function.

#define rrD_100us   548

volatile UINT16 uRR0;
#define usDelay(TimeVal) {uRR0=TimeVal; while(--uRR0);}//

void PJ_Comm_Data(void)
    Put_Comm__Low();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_High();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit07();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit06();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit05();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit04();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit03();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit02();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit01();//Port OnOff
    Put_Comm_Bit00();//Port OnOff
    PortC1_INPUT();//Port Input Control
    Get_Comm_Bit07();//Port Input 
    Get_Comm_Bit06();//Port Input 
    Get_Comm_Bit05();//Port Input 
    Get_Comm_Bit04();//Port Input 
    Get_Comm_Bit03();//Port Input 
    Get_Comm_Bit02();//Port Input 
    Get_Comm_Bit01();//Port Input 
    Get_Comm_Bit00();//Port Input 
    PortC1_PUSHPull();//Port Output Control
    Put_Comm_High();//Port OnOff

In the assembler, this is converted.

                  PJ_Comm_Data PROC
;;;5595   void PJ_Comm_Data(void)
00512e  b510              PUSH     {r4,lr}
;;;5596   {
;;;5597       Put_Comm__Low();//Port OnOff
005130  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm__Low
;;;5598       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
005134  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005138  490b              LDR      r1,|L1.20840|
00513a  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
00513c  bf00              NOP      
00513e  480a              LDR      r0,|L1.20840|
005140  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
005142  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
005144  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
005146  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005148  4907              LDR      r1,|L1.20840|
00514a  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
00514c  d1f7              BNE      |L1.20798|
;;;5599       Put_Comm_High();//Port OnOff
00514e  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_High
;;;5600       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
005152  e00b              B        |L1.20844|
                          DCD      PCU_D
                          DCD      GPIO_C
                          DCD      PCU_C
                          DCD      Comm_In_Buf
                          DCD      Comm_Out_Buf
                          DCD      uRR0
00516c  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005170  49fe              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005172  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005174  bf00              NOP      
005176  48fd              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
005178  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
00517a  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00517c  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
00517e  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005180  49fa              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005182  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005184  d1f7              BNE      |L1.20854|
;;;5602       Put_Comm_Bit07();//Port OnOff
005186  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit07
;;;5603       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
00518a  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
00518e  49f7              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005190  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005192  bf00              NOP      
005194  48f5              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
005196  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
005198  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00519a  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
00519c  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
00519e  49f3              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0051a0  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0051a2  d1f7              BNE      |L1.20884|
;;;5604       Put_Comm_Bit06();//Port OnOff
0051a4  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit06
;;;5605       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
0051a8  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
0051ac  49ef              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0051ae  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0051b0  bf00              NOP      
0051b2  48ee              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
0051b4  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
0051b6  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0051b8  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
0051ba  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
0051bc  49eb              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0051be  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0051c0  d1f7              BNE      |L1.20914|
;;;5606       Put_Comm_Bit05();//Port OnOff
0051c2  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit05
;;;5607       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
0051c6  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
0051ca  49e8              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0051cc  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0051ce  bf00              NOP      
0051d0  48e6              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
0051d2  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
0051d4  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0051d6  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
0051d8  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
0051da  49e4              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0051dc  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0051de  d1f7              BNE      |L1.20944|
;;;5608       Put_Comm_Bit04();//Port OnOff
0051e0  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit04
;;;5609       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
0051e4  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
0051e8  49e0              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0051ea  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0051ec  bf00              NOP      
0051ee  48df              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
0051f0  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
0051f2  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0051f4  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
0051f6  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
0051f8  49dc              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0051fa  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0051fc  d1f7              BNE      |L1.20974|
;;;5610       Put_Comm_Bit03();//Port OnOff
0051fe  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit03
;;;5611       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
005202  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005206  49d9              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005208  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
00520a  bf00              NOP      
00520c  48d7              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
00520e  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
005210  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
005212  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
005214  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005216  49d5              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005218  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
00521a  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21004|
;;;5612       Put_Comm_Bit02();//Port OnOff
00521c  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit02
;;;5613       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
005220  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005224  49d1              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005226  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005228  bf00              NOP      
00522a  48d0              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
00522c  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
00522e  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
005230  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
005232  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005234  49cd              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005236  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005238  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21034|
;;;5614       Put_Comm_Bit01();//Port OnOff
00523a  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit01
;;;5615       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
00523e  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005242  49ca              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005244  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005246  bf00              NOP      
005248  48c8              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
00524a  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
00524c  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00524e  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
005250  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005252  49c6              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005254  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005256  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21064|
;;;5616       Put_Comm_Bit00();//Port OnOff
005258  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_Bit00
;;;5617       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
00525c  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005260  49c2              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005262  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005264  bf00              NOP      
005266  48c1              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
005268  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
00526a  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00526c  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
00526e  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005270  49be              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005272  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005274  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21094|
;;;5619       PortC1_INPUT();//Port Input Control
005276  f7fffffe          BL       PortC1_INPUT
;;;5620       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
00527a  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
00527e  49bb              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005280  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005282  bf00              NOP      
005284  48b9              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
005286  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
005288  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00528a  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
00528c  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
00528e  49b7              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005290  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005292  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21124|
;;;5621       Get_Comm_Bit07();//Port Input 
005294  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit07
;;;5622       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
005298  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
00529c  49b3              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
00529e  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0052a0  bf00              NOP      
0052a2  48b2              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
0052a4  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
0052a6  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0052a8  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
0052aa  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
0052ac  49af              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0052ae  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0052b0  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21154|
;;;5623       Get_Comm_Bit06();//Port Input 
0052b2  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit06
;;;5624       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
0052b6  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
0052ba  49ac              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0052bc  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0052be  bf00              NOP      
0052c0  48aa              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
0052c2  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
0052c4  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0052c6  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
0052c8  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
0052ca  49a8              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0052cc  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0052ce  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21184|
;;;5625       Get_Comm_Bit05();//Port Input 
0052d0  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit05
;;;5626       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
0052d4  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
0052d8  49a4              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0052da  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0052dc  bf00              NOP      
0052de  48a3              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
0052e0  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
0052e2  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0052e4  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
0052e6  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
0052e8  49a0              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0052ea  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0052ec  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21214|
;;;5627       Get_Comm_Bit04();//Port Input 
0052ee  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit04
;;;5628       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
0052f2  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
0052f6  499d              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
0052f8  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
0052fa  bf00              NOP      
0052fc  489b              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
0052fe  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
005300  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
005302  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
005304  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005306  4999              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005308  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
00530a  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21244|
;;;5629       Get_Comm_Bit03();//Port Input 
00530c  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit03
;;;5630       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
005310  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005314  4995              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005316  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005318  bf00              NOP      
00531a  4894              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
00531c  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
00531e  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
005320  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
005322  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005324  4991              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005326  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005328  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21274|
;;;5631       Get_Comm_Bit02();//Port Input 
00532a  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit02
;;;5632       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
00532e  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005332  498e              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005334  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005336  bf00              NOP      
005338  488c              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
00533a  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
00533c  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00533e  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
005340  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005342  498a              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005344  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005346  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21304|
;;;5633       Get_Comm_Bit01();//Port Input 
005348  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit01
;;;5634       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
00534c  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
005350  4986              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005352  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005354  bf00              NOP      
005356  4885              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
005358  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
00535a  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00535c  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
00535e  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
005360  4982              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005362  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005364  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21334|
;;;5635       Get_Comm_Bit00();//Port Input 
005366  f7fffffe          BL       Get_Comm_Bit00
;;;5636       usDelay(rrD_100us);//100us
00536a  f44f7009          MOV      r0,#0x224
00536e  497f              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005370  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005372  bf00              NOP      
005374  487d              LDR      r0,|L1.21868|
005376  8800              LDRH     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uRR0
005378  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
00537a  0400              LSLS     r0,r0,#16
00537c  0c00              LSRS     r0,r0,#16
00537e  497b              LDR      r1,|L1.21868|
005380  8008              STRH     r0,[r1,#0]
005382  d1f7              BNE      |L1.21364|
;;;5638       PortC1_PUSHPull();//Port Output Control
005384  f7fffffe          BL       PortC1_PUSHPull
;;;5639       Put_Comm_High();//Port OnOff
005388  f7fffffe          BL       Put_Comm_High
;;;5641   }
00538c  bd10              POP      {r4,pc}

Delay function does not work properly because of DCD.

I measured 100 us through the port with an oscilloscope. By the way. Because of DCD, 100us is not implemented properly.

Also, whenever I change the code little by little, DCD runs around.

How to avoid DCD?