void init_GSM_Modem(void);
const char command_CMGF[]="AT+CMGF=1\r"; //Selecting text modeconst char CtrlZ =0x1A;
const char command_CMGS[]="AT+CMGS=+91989xxxxxxxx\r"; //Phone number to send message to
const char command_AT[]="AT\r";
const char msg01[]="Hello! This is a Test Message via STM32F107"; //Message to be sent
/* Leaving out init_serial, SendChar and GetChar Functions for reducing the code length. */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * init_GSM_Modem : Initialize Modem Commands *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void init_GSM_Modem(void){ delay2();
puts(command_AT); delay2();
puts(command_CMGF); delay2();
puts(command_CMGS); delay2();
puts(msg01); delay2();
while (!(USART2->SR & 0x0080)); USART2->SR & 0x0000; USART2->DR = 0x1A; //sending CtrlZ command}
int main(void){ SystemInit();
init_serial(); init_GSM_Modem();
while(1) {;}}
This code gives me an error named as error[PE020] : identifier 'USART 2' is not defined while working with it in IAR workbench. Please define me this error and a solution to it.
And what exactly did you come here for when the question you have is about a completely different company's product?