Hello, I'm new in this environment and I found a problem. I'm using uVision 5.33: I made a empty project, and in the management I inserted CMSIS Core, RTOS2 (API) Keil RTX5, STM32Cube HAL, STM32CubeMX. I didn't write nothing, I compiled the program without modification, and three errors appeared:
- Error: L6200E: Symbol SysTick_Handler multiply defined (by irq_cm0.o and stm32f0xx_it.o)
- Error: L6200E: Symbol PendSV_Handler multiply defined (by irq_cm0.o and stm32f0xx_it.o)
- Error: L6200E: Symbol SVC_Handler multiply defined (by irq_cm0.o and stm32f0xx_it.o)
Can someone help me?
There are options when you generate the Cube code to have it not generate handlers for these 3 interrupts. They are generated by default so you need to go in and deselect generating them. The RTOS2 RTX (or any RTOS you use) MUST be the one to handle these interrupts.