I am an old programmer (65) and I want to learn how to work with STM32. I live within 10km from ST plants in Crolles (France).Target is to be able to drive signals on a 7' railway layout
English is not my natural language.
For my first step, I bought a STM32F750 Discovery kit. I put in the usb cable and ... it works. I can use the demo apps.
My first question is : can I build a new small program and send it to the board WITHOUT destroying the default apps ?
Second question : when I installed Keil compiler, there was a 'pack installer' window. I could'nt find STM32F750 Discovery kit in it. Can I find it somewhere or do I have to use a 'similar' kit ?
Thanks in advance
Retired beginner said:I want to learn how to work with STM32
Links here to lots of training materials from both ST and Keil
Retired beginner said:For my first step, I bought a STM32F750 Discovery kit
That is rather advanced for a first step - and for your stated aim.
Retired beginner said:send it to the board WITHOUT destroying the default apps ?
send it to the board WITHOUT destroying the default apps ?
No - what you download will overwrite what's already in the chip.
But the demo apps are available from ST - so you can re-load them.
Hi Andy,
I have read a lot these last days !!. I'll go to the link you gave me.
About STM32F750 Discovery kit : I live near ST plant in Crolles and it is a friend of mine who works here who sold me this board (for 10euros !). One good thing about it is : when you plug the mini-Usb, it works and you can play with it !! When I was young, back in the 80's (!) I began working with microprocessors; my first one was a 4004 ! Then 6502, 8080, 8051, Z80, 68000 ....
About reloading demo apps : I am afraid of one thing : what about ST Link (I think it is the program that manage the communication with the PC via mini USB) : will it be destroyed when I load my own demo program ?
Retired beginner said:10euros
That's cracking value!
However, I would still say that it's grossly over-specified both for a beginner to start on and for the task you mentioned - could your friend not get you something simpler?
Even if you bought it from a distributor, the Nucleo boards are under 20 euros
Have you considered Arduino?
Retired beginner said:One good thing about it is : when you plug the mini-Usb, it works and you can play with it !!
Indeed - that is the norm these days!
and it comes with all the functionality of an ICE built in - which would have been a large cabinet and cost tens of thousands of dollars back in the day!
More than 6000 people work for ST in my surroundings. I have some friends among them. If they know that I don't work with STM32, they shot me down ;-)
I have a second question about CubeMx : in the pinout view (see JPG) you have the pin description of the MCU. But what I would like is to be able to parameter pins in CN4, CN5, CN6 and CN7; in fact the only pins that are connected to the 'outside' world. How can I have that ?
You realise that ST made an Arduino core for STM32 ... ?
Retired beginner said:question about CubeMx
CubeMX is entirely an ST thing - nothing to do with Keil or ARM - so you need to ask ST about that:
private message for Andy : I’m stubborn and I will succeed !!!
I have another question. I try to understand the GPIO toggle button example. In main.c there is a reference to GPIO_PIN_1. I am unable to see where it is defined !
What do I missed ?
I am back after a hard work month.
here is the simple code I want to run. Questions are underneath.
/* We should never get here as control is now taken by the scheduler */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) {/* si on appuie sur le bouton, le clignotement est plus rapide */ if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(bouton_poussoir_GPIO_Port, bouton_poussoir_Pin)) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOI, GPIO_PIN_1); /* Insert delay 400 ms */ HAL_Delay(400); } else { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOI, GPIO_PIN_1); /* Insert delay 1000 ms */ HAL_Delay(1000); } /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ }
questions :
As I wanted to go further in the future, I asked Keil to include RTOS.
What means the first two lines : the while(1) wille never be executed ?
My first attempt to build the project gave errors about configENABLE_TRUSTZONE (#35: #error directive: configENABLE_TRUSTZONE must be defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.). It is defined in FreeRTOS.h !!!! I haven't understand what trustzone safety is. May I turn it off ?
Second attempt gave me 137 errors. Most of them concern configASSERT: why ? :
../Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/event_groups.c(106): error: #18: expected a ")" configASSERT( xSize == sizeof( EventGroup_t ) );
Best regards
like this ? ;-)
/* We should never get here as control is now taken by the scheduler */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { // is this while executed ? /* si on appuie sur le bouton, le clignotement est plus rapide */ if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(bouton_poussoir_GPIO_Port, bouton_poussoir_Pin)) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOI, GPIO_PIN_1); /* Insert delay 400 ms */ HAL_Delay(400); } else { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOI, GPIO_PIN_1); /* Insert delay 1000 ms */ HAL_Delay(1000); } /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */
After a lot of works, I found a '}' that was not linked to a '{' in the small program I wrote in main.c (I think because of a bad use of copy / paste). I removed this } and all the errors are gone.
So I got a hex file that I downloaded to the board via CubeProgrammer. It has done something because, now, the screen is empty (no demo) but my simple program doesn't start ... In fact, I wanted to 'blink' led1 and it stay on.
PS Happy new year to everyone !
I don't know if it is the only thing that fixed this issue, but when i set optimization level to 0, the LED1 blinked !
When changing the optimisation level "breaks" code, it is (almost?) invariable the code that is flawed.
It most likely means that you are relying upon something that you should not.
A common example is not having 'volatile' where required.
Another is trying to rely upon the execution time of code.
https://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/tutcoptimization-and-importance-volatile-gcc - although focussed on GCC & AVR, it is general.