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What instruction sets can the Keil Assembler assemble?

I started out learning Thumb 2 , to program for the ARM Cortex M, and ended up buying a book on ARM 

assembly language, cuz I assumed it would be the same instruction set, but this book uses the GAS Syntax for the GNU Assembler, which they say is different from ARM syntax works on a wide variety of architectures.

Of course, I have nothing against playing around with both instructions sets as I 

fairly new to Assembly language, and would like to get a feel for changing environments

Which of course has me wondering about the Keil Assembler, and what instruction sets 

it can support.

Is it just matter of choosing a different directive at the start, like instead a A THUMB directive, it would be GAS or GNU or GNU ARM 

or whichever the directive is fir instruction sets that Keil supports?

And is there is list somewhere of which instruction sets Keil supports? 

  • You're totally mixing up two separate issues there.

    One is the choice of assembler syntax.  That is between Unix (as in GAS) and ARM native syntax.

    The other is between instruction sets. That is between ARM, Thumb, Thumb II and what not.

    Those two have essentially no relationship with each other.

  • You're totally mixing up two separate issues there.

    One is the choice of assembler syntax.  That is between Unix (as in GAS) and ARM native syntax.

    The other is between instruction sets. That is between ARM, Thumb, Thumb II and what not.

    Those two have essentially no relationship with each other.
