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MCB1700 and LCD

I'm having trouble for creating a driver for a C-51505NFJ-SLW-AIN LCD display.

Here's my code:

#include "Board_LED.h"

/* Configure the data bus and Control bus as per the hardware connection */
#define LcdDataBusPort LPC_GPIO2->FIOPIN
#define LcdControlBusPort LPC_GPIO0->FIOPIN

#define LcdDataBusDirnReg LPC_GPIO2->FIODIR
#define LcdCtrlBusDirnReg LPC_GPIO0->FIODIR

#define LCD_RS 0
#define LCD_RW 1
#define LCD_EN 2

#define LCD_D4 0
#define LCD_D5 1
#define LCD_D6 2
#define LCD_D7 3

/* Masks for configuring the DataBus and Control Bus direction */
#define LCD_ctrlBusMask ((1<<LCD_RS)|(1<<LCD_RW)|(1<<LCD_EN))
#define LCD_dataBusMask ((1<<LCD_D4)|(1<<LCD_D5)|(1<<LCD_D6)|(1<<LCD_D7))

/* local function to generate some delay */
void delay_us(int cnt){

int i; for(i=0;i<cnt*20;i++);

/* Function send the a nibble on the Data bus (LCD_D4 to LCD_D7) */
void sendNibble(char nibble){

LcdDataBusPort&=~(LCD_dataBusMask); // Clear previous data LcdDataBusPort|= (((nibble >>0x00) & 0x01) << LCD_D4); LcdDataBusPort|= (((nibble >>0x01) & 0x01) << LCD_D5); LcdDataBusPort|= (((nibble >>0x02) & 0x01) << LCD_D6); LcdDataBusPort|= (((nibble >>0x03) & 0x01) << LCD_D7);

/* Function to send the command to LCD. As it is 4bit mode, a byte of data is sent in two 4-bit nibbles */
void Lcd_CmdWrite(char cmd){

sendNibble((cmd >> 0x04) & 0x0f); //Send higher nibble LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RS); // Send LOW pulse on RS pin for selecting Command register LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RW); // Send LOW pulse on RW pin for Write operation LcdControlBusPort |= (1<<LCD_EN); // Generate a High-to-low pulse on EN pin LED_On(0); delay_us(10000); LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_EN); LED_Off(0);


sendNibble(cmd & 0x0f); //Send Lower nibble LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RS); // Send LOW pulse on RS pin for selecting Command register LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RW); // Send LOW pulse on RW pin for Write operation LcdControlBusPort |= (1<<LCD_EN); // Generate a High-to-low pulse on EN pin LED_On(0); delay_us(10000); LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_EN); LED_Off(0);


void Lcd_DataWrite(char dat){

sendNibble((dat >> 0x04) & 0x0f); //Send higher nibble LcdControlBusPort |= (1<<LCD_RS); // Send HIGH pulse on RS pin for selecting data register LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RW); // Send LOW pulse on RW pin for Write operation LcdControlBusPort |= (1<<LCD_EN); // Generate a High-to-low pulse on EN pin delay_us(10000); LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_EN);


sendNibble(dat & 0x0f); //Send higher nibble LcdControlBusPort |= (1<<LCD_RS); // Send HIGH pulse on RS pin for selecting data register LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RW); // Send LOW pulse on RW pin for Write operation LcdControlBusPort |= (1<<LCD_EN); // Generate a High-to-low pulse on EN pin delay_us(10000); LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_EN);


int main(){

char i,a[] = {"Hello, world!"}; LED_Initialize(); SystemInit(); //Clock and PLL configuration

LcdDataBusDirnReg = LCD_dataBusMask; // Configure all the LCD pins as output LcdCtrlBusDirnReg = LCD_ctrlBusMask;

LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RS); LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_RW); LcdControlBusPort &= ~(1<<LCD_EN);


Lcd_CmdWrite(0x02); // Initialize Lcd in 4-bit mode Lcd_CmdWrite(0x28); // enable 5x7 mode for chars Lcd_CmdWrite(0x0E); // Display OFF, Cursor ON Lcd_CmdWrite(0x01); // Clear Display Lcd_CmdWrite(0x80); // Move the cursor to beginning of first line

Lcd_DataWrite('H'); Lcd_DataWrite('e'); Lcd_DataWrite('l'); Lcd_DataWrite('l'); Lcd_DataWrite('o'); Lcd_DataWrite(' '); Lcd_DataWrite('w'); Lcd_DataWrite('o'); Lcd_DataWrite('r'); Lcd_DataWrite('l'); Lcd_DataWrite('d');

Lcd_CmdWrite(0xc0); for(i=0;a[i]!=0;i++){

Lcd_DataWrite(a[i]); }

Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?