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C164- DPPx: how to find data in Memory window???

Dear Sirs!
I would like to observe data in Memory window. For example this line of code was build from the compiler:

000002F4 F2F50AA2 MOV R5,DPP2:0x220A
Where content of DPP2 is '3'.

Does DPP2:0x220A means ( 3 <<14) | 0x220A ?
Result would be 0xE20A ??

F2F50AA2 says to me the Address 0xA20A will be read...(0x220A - 0x8000 = 0xA20A???)
in the memory window of the Debugger the contents of these addresses are just 0x00!?

How can I take a look at the right addresses?

Please write an answer to my Question!

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