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STM32 Boards..

Hello all,

I am using Keil 5.22.0 I am working on STM32L053R8 nucelo board. I want to set PC time with RTC DS3231 & read current time from RTC to STM32 board. So I am printing messages in code to display current value. when I see in Debug pdf viewer it blanks, no diplay of messages in that. So please guide me how to see ouput display messages on screen in keil...

  • Having a hard time understanding the question.

    I will observe that the Cortex-M0 parts will not support the SWV (Serial Wire Viewer)
    View -> Serial Windows -> Debug (printf) Viewer

    For the Nucleo boards use the USART to output via the VCP (Virtual COM Port), and use a Terminal application to view the output.