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Keil RTX based bootloader launching Keil RTX based FW

Hello. I inherited a project that is running on a TI TM4C1230H6PM microcontroller and I've run into a bit of a snag.

We have a bootloader running Keil RTX that starts at address 0x0000 which ultimately launches FW running Keil RTX starting at address 0x8000. After adding lots of new functionality to the FW (including several new tasks) I found that we were encountering random stack overflow issues.

After some heavy debugging, I discovered that the Main Stack Pointer (MSP) was overrunning the stack of one of my new tasks and causing the error. Essentially, what I see happening is that when the code jumps over from the bootloader to the FW the MSP is loaded with the initial stack pointer from the bootloader (0x20003EB8) loaded from address 0x0000. This, apparently, never caused an issue in the past, but I now have a task whose stack ends at 0x20003E38. So, not only is the main stack not where it should be, but it's dangerously close to the top of a process stack.

The original code to jump from the bootloader to the firmware looked as follows

jump(*(U32 *)code_start, *(U32 *)(code_start + 4));

; jump to application code
        AREA    asm_func, CODE, READONLY
        EXPORT  jump
        MOV     R13, R0
        BX      R1

The problem I found here is that this executes in User context and so R13 refers to the PSP rather than the MSP.

I tried several different ways of resolving this issue by loading the contents (0x20007280) of address 0x8000 into the MSP register prior to branching, but no matter what I do I get a hardware fault almost immediately after the FW begins to run.

Can anyone shed some light on what's going on here?

Any assistance in solving this would be greatly appreciated.