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Problem regarding CMSIS at MDK v5


I am using from KEIL as follows,

µVision V5.21.1.0
MDK-ARM Professional (Eval) Version: 5.21a
Toolchain Path: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin
C Compiler: Armcc.exe V5.06 update 3 (build 300)
Assembler: Armasm.exe V5.06 update 3 (build 300)

My device is STM32F070RBTx that has no example code in KEIL directly. It suggest STM32F072-Discovery, that is not the STM32F070 group.

As usually I am adding HAL library and other driver and required state files in my project, but build error shows error.

C:\Keil_v5\ARM\PACK\Keil\STM32F0xx_DFP\1.5.0\Device\Include\stm32f070xb.h(130): error: #5: cannot open source input file "core_cm0.h": No such file or directory

1. From pack installer which Library for CMSIS should be installed in this case ?
2. What would be the required setting in Options for target?
3. Why HAL library is not supporting here?
4. Let me know is there any mistake to chose compiler in Manage project items ?
