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STM32F0- RS485 communication and HardFault Handler problem

Hello everyone,

Nowadays I am working on a project that includes rs485 communication via LTC 2850 Rs485 converter and currently I am using STM32F030F4 arm microcontroller.

Also I designed another controller card which works perfectly and I would like to communicate these two controller via rs485.But There is a problem on the stm32f030f4 side.

I already programmed using C++ programming with CMSIS drivers.I didn't use any cubemx based hal drivers on it.No error occurs After I build the program.

But It seems, falling into Hardfult handler eror at Register 15 (Program Counter) when I tried to check problems using debug mode.I have been facing this problem since the last Wednesday.You can check the eror from below picture adress.

Yesterday, I decided to create another example program using cubemx with hal drivers and It programmed flash memory correctly.There were no Hardfult_handler error and I was able to check each function which is created in main function.

Also I would like to share my project with you, therefore you can check what is wrong detaily.I use Keil uvision mdk arm ide.

The file is available in :
(You should click blue "Dosya indir" button to download)

Any help would be highly appreciated!