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Critical sections on Cortex-M3

I'm wondering a bit about implementing critical code sections on a Cortex-M3 where exceptions are not allowed due to timing constraints or concurrency issues.

In my case, I'm running an LPC1758(,551.html) and I have a TI CC2500 transceiver on board. The CC2500 has pins which can be used as interrupt lines for data in the RX buffer and free space in the TX buffer.

As an example, I want to have a TX buffer in SRAM of my MCU and when there is free space in the TX buffer of the transceiver, I want to write this data in there. But the routine which puts data in SRAM buffer obviously cannot be interrupted by the free-space-in-TX interrupt. So what I want to do is to temporarily disable interrupts while doing this procedure of filling this buffer but have any interrupts occurring during this procedure execute after it finishes.

How is this done best on Cortex-M3?