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Printf only works with RTOS


I have a working project for XC167 using RTX-166 Tiny.

However, when I remove the RTOS (see code change below), printf stops working. It now prints the first character and then stops. I have read that this could be an issue with user stack, would the RTOS have changed the configuration of this?
Memory model is HLarge.

I.e. code before:

#include <rtx166t.h>
#include "task.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <intrins.h>
#include <absacc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <XC167.h>
#include "typedef.h"
#include "iodef.h"
#include "interrupts.h"

void task_init (void) _task_ TASK_INIT


        os_delete_task (os_running_task_id ());

code after (with no RTOS selected in options):

//#include <rtx166t.h>
//#include "task.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <intrins.h>
#include <absacc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <XC167.h>
#include "typedef.h"
#include "iodef.h"
#include "interrupts.h"

void main (void)


//      os_delete_task (os_running_task_id ());

This second project just prings "H"

Any ideas?


  • Hello!

    Try to place explicitly the code for putchar into your C module (the putchar is being used by printf). Also, verify if InitUART is free of any OS-related code; check if putchar/_getkey-via-UART mechanism is supposed to be by means of polling or interrupt(s) - check if the UART's and global interrupts are enabled if needed.

    Besides it, _getkey may need to be explicitly placed into your C module as well. The function is used by getchar.

    A simplified example (note: this is XC2287M code), somewhere in main.c:

    #include <stdio.h>
    signed char putchar (signed char c)  { // used by printf
      while (!(U0C0_PSR & 0x2000));        //  wait until TBUF is empty
      U0C0_PSCR     |= 0x2000;             //  clear transmit buffer indication flag
      U0C0_TBUF00    = c;                  //  output character
      return (c);
    int x_iskey(void) {
      if( (U0C0_PSR & 0x4000) == 0 ) return 0;
      return 1;
    signed char x_getkey (void)  {         // synonymic function, _getkey replacement
      char c;                              // may also be just defined as _getkey
      while (!(U0C0_PSR & 0x4000));
      c = (char) U0C0_RBUF;
      U0C0_PSCR |= 0x4000;                 //  clear receive indication flag
      return (c);

    Regard this like a small trick to bypass standard library code with your custom one.

    Look into getkey.c, putchar.c in you Keil's subfolder \c166\lib\.

    For details, you may want to check with and links therein - e.g. There quite a few threads discussing printf via UART stuff.


  • Hello!

    Try to place explicitly the code for putchar into your C module (the putchar is being used by printf). Also, verify if InitUART is free of any OS-related code; check if putchar/_getkey-via-UART mechanism is supposed to be by means of polling or interrupt(s) - check if the UART's and global interrupts are enabled if needed.

    Besides it, _getkey may need to be explicitly placed into your C module as well. The function is used by getchar.

    A simplified example (note: this is XC2287M code), somewhere in main.c:

    #include <stdio.h>
    signed char putchar (signed char c)  { // used by printf
      while (!(U0C0_PSR & 0x2000));        //  wait until TBUF is empty
      U0C0_PSCR     |= 0x2000;             //  clear transmit buffer indication flag
      U0C0_TBUF00    = c;                  //  output character
      return (c);
    int x_iskey(void) {
      if( (U0C0_PSR & 0x4000) == 0 ) return 0;
      return 1;
    signed char x_getkey (void)  {         // synonymic function, _getkey replacement
      char c;                              // may also be just defined as _getkey
      while (!(U0C0_PSR & 0x4000));
      c = (char) U0C0_RBUF;
      U0C0_PSCR |= 0x4000;                 //  clear receive indication flag
      return (c);

    Regard this like a small trick to bypass standard library code with your custom one.

    Look into getkey.c, putchar.c in you Keil's subfolder \c166\lib\.

    For details, you may want to check with and links therein - e.g. There quite a few threads discussing printf via UART stuff.

