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STM32F103RC Assembly Program link problem?

I have written the following assembly program. It compiles without errors, but I get this warning:

FirstTest.sct(8): warning: L6314W: No section matches pattern *(InRoot$$Sections).

The purpose of the program is to simply light up two of four LEDs on a development board (Open103R).

;   First lab assembly program
;   Written by Kelly Hathaway

GPIOC_CRL   EQU     0x40011000
GPIOC_CRH   EQU     0x40011004
GPIOC_IDR   EQU     0x40011008
GPIOC_ODR   EQU     0x4001100C
GPIOC_BSRR  EQU     0x40011010
GPIOC_BRR   EQU     0x40011014
GPIOC_LCKR  EQU     0x40011018


            MOV32   r1, #GPIOC_CRH      ; Address for port c control register
            MOV32   r0, #0x00033330     ; Value for control register
            STR     r0, [r1]            ; Write to contorl register

            MOV32   r1, #GPIOC_ODR      ; Address for port c output data register
            MOV     r0, #0x0A00         ; Value for port c
            STR     r0, [r1]            ; Write value
            B       loop


When I simulate this code in the Keil simulator the execution begins at 0x0101F2C4 and not 0x0. The disassembly window shows the code is in fact at 0x0. How do I get the code to execute starting at 0x0? When I step, I get this error:

*** error 65: access violation at 0x0104F238 : no 'write' permission.

Can anyone help me understand what I am missing? I have search around other threads and online forums, but cannot figure out what is wrong.


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