I'm using Keil 5.10 professional, CMSIS 4.11. I want to use middlewares to connect to a web server, using LPC1788(Cortex-M3 from NXP) . But when I add ethernet driver to project, I get an error "require 2.01 CMSIS Driver:SPI","Install missing component!".
SPI driver is in the list of API's In the CMSIS-Driver document, but it's not available for me!
I installed the latest version of Packs.
where is the problem? I missed something or that's a software problem and I have to wait for new version?
I have to write all of the TCP/IP and other things?
Please install MDK 5.11a.
You can install it on top of your current version. No need to uninstall anything.
I tried your setup and it works for me.
Thanks for your response
I updated 5.10 to 5.11a, but the change is nothing!
What version of 'CMSIS' and 'MDK-middlware' are you using?
Hi mohammad, I had the same problem with you. Have you resolved it? If you did, please help me.
I was using the MCB1800 example: can you find the driver there and copy over to the 1700 example ?
I am on the road today and will try it later.
Yes, exactly, there is no problem with LPC18xx. I did it, but it wasn't useful. I think NXP should support the Software for LPC17xx!
No way, yet?
Please tell me if you did it.
I can't even use "DP83848, Ethernet PHY driver". seems Its not possible!!!
Hello Mohammad, hello oattao,
at the moment, there is no CMSIS-Driver 2.0 support available. Soon, a new Pack will be released with support for the smaller LLPC1700 devices. The 1788 will take some more time.
Kind regards,
Solved, finally!
The problem is solved in "Keil.LPC1700_DFP.2.1.0.pack". In new version of pack lpc17xx, peripheral drivers work correctly.
But sorry for late informing, I was too busy to check the community
Thanks to NXP and ARM