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now looking for a quick working circuit

Hey I need to interface the external EEPROM AT24C04 to SILABS (device) plz help me if any one can give me a code in 'C' for that..Thanx for he

  • Err hmmm maybe you should like at the code examples SI labs gives? Look at the information they give for I2C interfacing etc. I believe you should consider this a little test of your abilities. As for quick working circuit... have you read the data sheets etc? This seems kind of a strange question to ask too me, since there appears to be a massive volume of information already available, having had to do this myself.


  • Err hmmm maybe you should like at the code examples SI labs gives? Look at the information they give for I2C interfacing etc. I believe you should consider this a little test of your abilities. As for quick working circuit... have you read the data sheets etc? This seems kind of a strange question to ask too me, since there appears to be a massive volume of information already available, having had to do this myself.

