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A contraction between Keil and ST documentation

Maybe somebody from Keil can explain this; I still haven't tried it on the device itself, but it would be refreshing to understand the actual requirements.
Trying to run a STR9 at 96 MHz, I stubled upon the following guildelines:

KEIL (see
When you set the PLL post-divider value (PLL_PDIV) to 2 (hence: in order to run at 96 MHz), you must change the Clock Control Register (SCU_CLKCNTR) to the following:
* EMIRATIO: External Memory Interface Ratio fBCLK=HCLK/2

FMISEL: Flash Memory Interface Clock Divider FMICLK=RCLK/2

ST (see
The Flash memory interface clock (FMICLK) should have the same frequency as the RCLK clock (96 MHz)

this means no FMICLK dividers used

. As a result since Flash has a Sequential Burst read up to 96 MHz, we reduce execution time from there.

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