I have run into a problem with the hex2bin.exe utility. With the hex output file from uVision2, in HEX-80 format(only option I have), I am not able to create a binary file using the hex2bin utility. The error I get is "ERROR: Could not open HEX file". Since the documentation on the hex2bin utility is so limited I can not determine what the problem is. Thank you in advance for your ideas/thoughts.
"Since the documentation on the hex2bin utility is so limited I can not determine what the problem is." Since the information you've provided is so limited, I can not determine what the problem is. However, I seem to remember that HEX2BIN has no tolereance of long file names - you have to use the short form of the name. How about posting the command line you used, and the precise message you got - use cut-&-paste, do not retype.
Wow, quick response. You were right, the file name was too long, 9 characters. The HEX2BIN utility will only accept up to 8 characters in the file name 12345678.hex. On another note, how do you cut and paste from a dos command promt? Thanks, Clint
I'm using the following HEX editor and I'm very happy with it http://www.softneed.net/articledetails.php?id=12490
"how do you cut and paste from a dos command promt?" Click on the menu icon at top left (in the title bar), then go to 'Edit', then it should be easy from there... Or, go to 'Properties' in that menu, go to the 'Options' tab, then check 'QuickEdit Mode' - this allows you to select text directly in the window, without having to go via the 'Edit' menu. Standard Windoze stuff...
This problem troubled me longtime. I searched on internet for help and saw the forum before. Today is 6th May, 2021, I am lucky finding the way to remove the problem, I left the way how to do troubleshooting. At my side, it is compatible problem. Right click the shortcut of Keil C, then select "Compatibility troubleshooting", do "Try the suggested Settings" and do "Test program", the the software will be open, then run "Rebuild" you will happy to see the program runs perfectly. After finish the Rebuild, close the program and click "next step" Click the first item:Yes,Save these Settings for your program. After above steps, you will find the problem was removed, Keil C runs perfectly.