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Re: RTX5 LPC43xx M0 Alternate timer

/// OS Runtime Information structure
typedef struct {
  const char                   *os_id;  ///< OS Identification
  uint32_t                    version;  ///< OS Version
  struct {                              ///< Kernel Info
    uint8_t                     state;  ///< State
    volatile uint8_t          blocked;  ///< Blocked
    uint8_t                    pendSV;  ///< Pending SV
    uint8_t                  reserved;
    uint32_t                     tick;  ///< Tick counter
  } kernel;
  int32_t                   tick_irqn;  ///< Tick Timer IRQ Number
  struct {                              ///< Thread Info
    struct {                            ///< Thread Run Info
      osRtxThread_t             *curr;  ///< Current running Thread
      osRtxThread_t             *next;  ///< Next Thread to Run
    } run;
    osRtxObject_t               ready;  ///< Ready List Object
    osRtxThread_t               *idle;  ///< Idle Thread
    osRtxThread_t         *delay_list;  ///< Delay List
    osRtxThread_t          *wait_list;  ///< Wait List (no Timeout)
    osRtxThread_t     *terminate_list;  ///< Terminate Thread List
    struct {                            ///< Thread Round Robin Info
      osRtxThread_t           *thread;  ///< Round Robin Thread
      uint32_t                   tick;  ///< Round Robin Time Tick
      uint32_t                timeout;  ///< Round Robin Timeout
    } robin;
  } thread;
  struct {                              ///< Timer Info
    osRtxTimer_t                *list;  ///< Active Timer List
    osRtxThread_t             *thread;  ///< Timer Thread
    osRtxMessageQueue_t           *mq;  ///< Timer Message Queue
    void                (*tick)(void);  ///< Timer Tick Function
  } timer;
  struct {                              ///< ISR Post Processing Queue
    uint16_t                      max;  ///< Maximum Items
    uint16_t                      cnt;  ///< Item Count
    uint16_t                       in;  ///< Incoming Item Index
    uint16_t                      out;  ///< Outgoing Item Index
    void                       **data;  ///< Queue Data
  } isr_queue;
  struct {                                      ///< ISR Post Processing functions
    void          (*thread)(osRtxThread_t*);    ///< Thread Post Processing function
    void (*event_flags)(osRtxEventFlags_t*);    ///< Event Flags Post Processing function
    void    (*semaphore)(osRtxSemaphore_t*);    ///< Semaphore Post Processing function
    void (*memory_pool)(osRtxMemoryPool_t*);    ///< Memory Pool Post Processing function
    void        (*message)(osRtxMessage_t*);    ///< Message Post Processing function
  } post_process;
  struct {                              ///< Memory Pools (Variable Block Size)
    void                       *stack;  ///< Stack Memory
    void                     *mp_data;  ///< Memory Pool Data Memory
    void                     *mq_data;  ///< Message Queue Data Memory
    void                      *common;  ///< Common Memory
  } mem;
  struct {                              ///< Memory Pools (Fixed Block Size)
    osRtxMpInfo_t              *stack;  ///< Stack for Threads
    osRtxMpInfo_t             *thread;  ///< Thread Control Blocks
    osRtxMpInfo_t              *timer;  ///< Timer Control Blocks
    osRtxMpInfo_t        *event_flags;  ///< Event Flags Control Blocks
    osRtxMpInfo_t              *mutex;  ///< Mutex Control Blocks
    osRtxMpInfo_t          *semaphore;  ///< Semaphore Control Blocks
    osRtxMpInfo_t        *memory_pool;  ///< Memory Pool Control Blocks
    osRtxMpInfo_t      *message_queue;  ///< Message Queue Control Blocks
  } mpi;
} osRtxInfo_t;