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Reading silicon temperature LPC11U68


I am using LPC11U68 Cortex-M0+ micrcontroller with temperature sensor as a part of ADC. In the manual it is written that the temperature value is read by ADC ch0 in busr mode. I am getting values around 660 out of ch0, but I thimk that I need to do some conversions. On the internet I found nothing so any advice is helpful.

Thank you,


The temperature sensor transducer uses an intrinsic pn-junction diode reference and
outputs a CTAT voltage (Complement To Absolute Temperature). The output voltage
varies inversely with device temperature with an absolute accuracy of better than ±5 C
over the full temperature range (40 C to +105 C) for typical samples. The temperature
sensor is approximately linear with a slight curvature. The output voltage is measured
over different ranges of temperatures and fit with linear-least-square lines.
After power-up and after switching the input channels of the ADC, the temperature sensor
output must be allowed to settle to its stable value before it can be used as an accurate
ADC input.
For an accurate measurement of the temperature sensor by the ADC, the ADC must be
configured in single-channel burst mode. The last value of a nine-conversion (or more)
burst provides an accurate result.