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How to download binary files to target using ULINK2


I have the entire workspace "spread out" in my KEIL uV5 IDE and a JTAG plug from the ULINK2 connected to my target HW. When I (down)load my SW onto my target HW, I simply push the "LOAD" icon (the two blue down-arrows).

We now also want our customer to upgrade his target-HW (that target also contain the JTAG plug):
1) I generate my new/updated SW in LAB.
2) I eMail this new runnable file (the ".axf" file it seems) to our customer for installation on his target
(they have installed the free version of KEIL uV5 and will use ULINK2/JTAG to download to their target).

Our customer has no KEIL license nor any source code, he simply shall use KEIL uV5 and ULINK2 for downloading the new binary code eMailed to him to his target.
How is this possible without sending the customer all my source files?

(we use a ST32F107 mcu)

Best regards
Terje Bøhler

  • yes, it is feasible.

    You can just create an empty project in uVision and select the right device from the device list when creating the project.

    Then modify "Options for Target - Output - Select folder for Objects" as well as "Name of Executable" to locate your *.axf file, so that uVision can find the *.axf file to be downloaded

  • So wouldn't it be a whole lot cheaper & simpler to use an ST-Link (save even more with a cheap clone) and the free ST-Link utility ... ?