I see the examples of how to use the LEDS on the Keil examples but I'm not able to do this on my own board.
I tried something like GPIOC->MODER |= (GPIO_MODER_MODER8_0);//output GPIOC->OSPEEDR |= GPIO_OSPEEDER_OSPEEDR8;//set max speed GPIOC->OTYPER &= ~GPIO_OTYPER_OT_8;//push pull mode GPIOC->PUPDR &= ~GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR8 ;//disable pull up down. GPIOC->BSRR = (1<<8);
then loop a osDelay(200U); GPIOC->BSRR = (1<<8); GPIOC->BSRR = (1<<24); osDelay(200U);
but it is not bring the pin low. Is there an easier way to do this in vision?
was missing __GPIOC_CLK_ENABLE();