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STM32L053 Debugger automatically executes

I have a target board with only a few signals. I have created a very simple Blink LED project from the CubeMX software. It imports into Keil, compiles, and downloads to FLASH. But when it hits the debug window, it automatically executes crap. I can reset, stop, then single step. It says "Cannot access memory". I have the latest in Keil (5.23), unlocked with the M0+ license from ST. Also have the v1.19 of the CubeMX. I also downloaded ST Link Utility and Erased the memory manually. It goes back to default as I can see the memory real time. The only thing that I do not have are the 100k resistors on the SWD and CLK lines (recommended)

The ST Link Debugger was purchased from ST, so it is authentic. I have gotten a Nucleo board to work already, so I believe that Keil and the CubeMX are fine.