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Error: Flash Erase failed - Target DDL has been cancelled

Hello Everyone,
Having a nagging issue that appears to be limited to my desktop (uVision5.22), my laptop (uVision5.18) flashes the MCU perfectly fine.

Board: LPC1768
Firmware: 141212 (most current)
Serial Driver: mbedWinSerial_16466 (updated w/ board)
Algorithm: LPC17xx IAP 512kB Flash
Address Range: 00000000H-0007FFFFH
Xtal: 12 MHz
Sources: startup_LPC17xx.s, system_LPC17xx.c
Debug: CMSIS_DAP Debugger
RAM: 0x10000000, Size: 0x0FE0
Build: "0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s)"
uVision5: Version 22

Error: "PDSC: Cannot recover from reset", "Flash Download Failed - Target DLL has been cancelled"

I've been reading through the forums and searching else where online, but not finding many suggestions. Was comparing tools.ini files between desktop and laptop versions, but no luck.

Open to suggestions or thoughts if you have them, it would be much appreciated.

  • I have LPC1768 with the last version of fimeware (141212.if). I have the same error as you have on my laptop. I was on uVision v5.22 and even tried to go back to legacy version v5.18 as it was working for you on your laptop... I still have the same error and have the same parameters (I try to send a HelloWorld program as unit test for it to work..). 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, kind of stuck for now... Thanks for your post.

    Ysmael Fortier
    Student in electrical engineering
    QC, Canada