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Set standard lib memory address

I need to set the standard lib memory address. I have the default value of options for target on external memory. Setting the options for some groups I can load startup on internal rom and others in ram I can load and run them in ram and have an image in external flash.
The standard libs are put in external flash and this cause me hard fault on printf.
Have you a solution?

  • I have no idea what you are doing, with what chip, and what board/configuration.

    You have to configure and initialize external memory and buses BEFORE you can use them, this usually needs to get done in startup code YOU supply, that brings an understanding of YOUR hardware as you've created it. In the CMSIS model this is often done in routines called from SystemInit() and done prior to the C run time initializing the statics.

    You can direct functions and objects to specific memory regions by using a Scatter File which is a more comprehensive/complex description of your memory map/expectations than the simple GUI IROM/IRAM settings.

  • I have no idea what you are doing, with what chip, and what board/configuration.

    You have to configure and initialize external memory and buses BEFORE you can use them, this usually needs to get done in startup code YOU supply, that brings an understanding of YOUR hardware as you've created it. In the CMSIS model this is often done in routines called from SystemInit() and done prior to the C run time initializing the statics.

    You can direct functions and objects to specific memory regions by using a Scatter File which is a more comprehensive/complex description of your memory map/expectations than the simple GUI IROM/IRAM settings.
