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CMSIS specification version format issues

We are following the CMSIS standard to create our Pack files.

We have come to update our CMSIS code base, and noticed some of the CMSIS standard changes for Versions in packs and within packs.

We have some queries/issues with the recent changes to pack versions:

1) CMSIS used to strictly follow the Semantic Version 2.0 standard, but has now added some 'flexibility'. However this flexibility that was added violates the stringent rules of the Semantic Version 2.0 standard. (for example, being able to omit the patch version, and omitting the hyphen in the pre-qualifier).

2) CMSIS says that trailing zero's are now allowed, but again violates the stringent rules of the Semantic Version 2.0 standard.

3) The version for Packs and Components within the packs should in theory follow the same versioning rules (as per the CMSIS Keil website). However the latest CMSIS Pack.xsd schema does not agree with your spec:

a) The reg-ex statements are different in the schema, for Pack versions and Component versions. Which is correct, the website or the schema file?

b) The ARM CMSIS plugin sources do not appear to use its schema, is there a reason?
