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Filesystem: How to check if FAT drive is initialzed or not?


Re: MDK-ARM CM3 Middleware FileSystem. FAT Drive on a NAND Flash ("N0:").

I'm looking for a method to check, wether a FAT drive is initialized or not! I must check, wether finit() had already been called or not.

I could not find a sufficient "high"-level Utility Routine. Thus I considered about using IO Control Interface Routines. Therfore I first had to get an id:
fs_ioc_get_id("N0:") returns drv_id = 1 on an uninitialized(!) drive which causes further fs_ioc-functions to crash.

Do anyone have an idea, how to check wether a (nonremovable NAND Flash) FAT drive is initialized or not?

Best regards