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CMSIS question on CAN filtering


Concerning CAN objects that can have multiple filters assigned...

The following CMSIS structure tells the application about the filtering capabilities of each object. It is returned in the ARM_CAN_ObjectGetCapabilities() call. Is the "multiple_filters" element a ONE/ZERO to indicate this capability or is it numeric that says how many filters can be assigned. If the former, how do I tell how many?


typedef struct _SPI_CAN_Obj_Capabilities { uint32_t tx : 1; /* Object supports transmission */ uint32_t rx : 1; /* Object supports reception */ uint32_t rx_rtr_tx_data : 1; /* RTR reception auto data transfer */ uint32_t tx_rtr_rx_data : 1; /* RTR transmission auto data reception */ uint32_t multiple_filters : 1; /* Object allows assignment of multiple filters to it */ uint32_t exact_filtering : 1; /* Object supports exact identifier filtering */ uint32_t range_filtering : 1; /* Object supports range identifier filtering */ uint32_t mask_filtering : 1; /* Object supports mask identifier filtering */ uint32_t message_depth : 1; /* Number of messages buffers (FIFO) for that object */ }SPI_CAN_Obj_Capabilities;