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memory set for OTA

hi, all

My company makes a braille smartwatch for the blind people.

I used a Nordic nRF52 board and a uVision tool to make image files(hex files).

Our watch's firmware has two parts. One is for the watch control, and the other is a braille translation.

We don't know which languages should be uploaded on a ROM memory. (Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic etc..).
The watch is connected to a smartphone application, and an application can control, which languages will be displayed on the watch.

We would like to upload completely divided two images. (A watch firmware image and braille translation image)

We would like to solve these things.
1. The watch firmware image can call a function, which is in the braille translation image. The watch firmware image knows the address of only one callback function.
2. The braille translation image knows some data, which is made by watch firmware functions.
3. Functions in the braille translation image could be modified, added, deleted without any problems. The watch firmware image has no need to know about these all functions.
