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HTTP server example project on stm32f746ZG ; i can't open any web page ...

Hi there, I am beginner with stm32f746zg nucleo 144 .
... I know making a simple project like working with arm's register and turning on/off LEDs
or working with ADC/DAC and etc. with Keil MDK-ARM 5.23 .
I am trying to run HTTP Server example project at keil site:
when I choose this project (exactly this: HTTP Server (STM32F746G-Discovery) ) for my
board "stm32f746ZG" from the "pack installer" in keil MDK, after that this project has
been built, I see this builded for "stm32f746NG" board...

however, when I compile origin project (it is running without error) and flash it on my board
(again without error!) I can't open http web page as project's "abstract.txt" file say:
"To test this example, open your web browser and enter the address http://stm32f-disco/
or http://<boards IP address>"
. when I try it in web browser, orange LED in side of LAN
interference starts to turning on/off, but any page don't open...

now if instead of compiling origin project, I make change in "options for target ..." icon in
keil MDK, and set it for myself board, set clocking rate, checkmark "create HEX file", and
choose st_link debugger
, then I get this error that I don't configured ETH setting
in "RTE_Device.h" file, in spite of that it is configured from original project. but however
when I make some changes in it's configuration, it compile without error and after
downloading it on boad, again I can't open any thing...
when I checked this ETH ip (cmd->ipconfig/all) I saw that these ip s are different from those that
existed on "Net_Config_ETH_0.h" file ... when I unmarked ip's automatically detection mode in
windows (turning DHCP off), and set these ip s with hand from "Net_Config_ETH_0.h" file,
again any thing don't open...

any body exist here that help me?