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STM32F746ng Disco UDP

Hello Friends, I'm trying to send UDP packets from my STM32F746nG Discovery board. Using the examples from Keil, I can get a webserver to work, however if I try a BSD client example, the device does not send any udp packets. When I try to do a simple udp_send command I get a return of 0x03, which I believe is netInvalidParameter.

I am using the IPv4 BSD_Client example for the 46ng discovery board. I can see that the activity light on the Ethernet jack does not flash at a continous rate, just a bunch right after it's connected.

Here is the modified code that returns 0x03 from the udp_send command.

static void Client (void const *arg) {

        SOCKADDR_IN addr;

     char udp_msg[] = {"Hello World!"};
  const uint8_t remip[4] = {192,168,1,219};

  udp_open (sock, 6454);

  while (1) {

  len = strlen (udp_msg);
  sendbuf = udp_get_buf (len);
 // strcpy (sendbuf, udp_msg);

  // Send 'Hello World!' to remote peer
  res = udp_send (sock, remip, 6454, (uint8_t*)sendbuf, len);
                osDelay (100);

Is there anything else that needs configured? Shouldn't the example work straight out of the box? I can't see anything on wireshark either if I directly connect to it and set up the computer to the broadcasted ip.
