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Regarding LPC1114FBD48 controller-frequency generation

Hi Friends,

presently I'm using the micro controller LPC1114FBD48 of ARM family.

now i'm generating the frequency in the range of 9.6hz to 12hz using timer registers
and interrupts. now i had generated the 9.6 hz but remaining frequencies are
passing through interrupt.

please guide me to move further and below is my code.

oid TIMER16_0_IRQHandler(void)
{ if(LPC_TMR16B0->IR & (1<<4)) //capture interrupt
{ if(LPC_TMR16B0->CCR ==5){
LPC_TMR16B0->TC = 0; //reset timer
LPC_TMR16B0->CCR =6;
} else{
period_time = LPC_TMR16B0->CR0; //read time
LPC_TMR16B0->CCR =5;
} LPC_TMR16B0->IR |= (1<<4); //reset capture interrupt
} }

int main(void) {
LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<7);//enable clock CT16B0
//init io CT16B0_CAP0
LPC_IOCON->PIO0_2 = (1<<1)|(2<<3); //CT16B0_CAP0 & pullupCAP0FE
LPC_TMR16B0->CTCR = 0; //use timer mode
LPC_TMR16B0->CCR = 5; //rising
LPC_TMR16B0->PR = 47; //prescaler 48
NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER_16_0_IRQn); //enable interrupt
LPC_TMR16B0->TCR = 1; //and run timer
LPC_IOCON->PIO1_9 |= (1 << 0); // Pin no 17 = CT16B1_MAT0(checking out put)
LPC_TMR16B1->MR0 = 1000;//3500;//11200; // 50% Duty Cycle
LPC_TMR16B1 ->MR3 = 2000;
LPC_TMR16B1 ->PR=4000;

  • Why does this question look so similar to this?

    Same person?
    Or same team?

    The code looks the same and has the same bug that was commented upon in the previous thread.

    And there is no real question in your post, except "help me". What part of the processor documentation do you not understand? What have you actually tried? We know you haven't spent any real time trying to debug the posted code since it runs out of main...

    Aren't your school mates getting better progress by doing some own work?