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UART STM32F401 EvBoard with VL6180X

I'm trying everything to get this project to work, but can't. I have tried moving library files and having tons of problems with Keil's linker, but I somehow (idk how atm) managed to compile everything smoothly. I'm trying to use the UART module of the STM32F401RET board to calibrate the limiting distance the sensor should set the alarm on. The sensor is working just fine with the example ST provided. I used the STM32CubeMX to make a UART example code for initialization, and followed a tutorial to make it work (it worked by itself) the thing is that when I try to merge them together (the sensor's code and the UART example) the UART transmision timeouts, and never sends anything through the UART module.

Anyone has any advice about this?
I really need your help!
Thank you for your time, Alan.