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problem in compiling codes


I am trying to write a code for interfacing microsd with stm32, but I am unable to compile my code as i'm getting errors which I dont understand. Can you please help me out ?

This is my code :

#include <stm32f10x.h>
#include <stm32f10x_rcc.h>
#include <stm32f10x_gpio.h>
#include <ff.h>
#include <diskio.h>
#include <xprintf.h>
#include <string.h>

int i,j;
void msdelay(unsigned int );
void GPIO_Setup(void);

int main()
{ int buf[]={123,124,125}; UINT* nb; FRESULT fp; GPIO_Setup();
FIL *file;

fp=f_open(file, "NEW.TXT", FA_CREATE_NEW); if(!fp) { fp= f_write(file, buf, sizeof buf, nb); } if(!fp)
f_close(file); while(1) { //GPIO_SetBits( GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14);
GPIO_SetBits( GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13);

msdelay(1000); GPIO_ResetBits( GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13); msdelay(1000); }


void msdelay(unsigned int value)
{ unsigned int x,y;

void GPIO_Setup()
{ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIOC_str; RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC , ENABLE);

GPIO_StructInit( &GPIOC_str);
GPIOC_str.GPIO_Speed= GPIO_Speed_2MHz; GPIOC_str.GPIO_Pin= GPIO_Pin_13; GPIOC_str.GPIO_Mode= GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;

GPIO_Init( GPIOC, &GPIOC_str);


and this is the error :

*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 4 (build 422)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Build target 'Target 1'
compiling main.c...
.\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x\stm32f10x.h(8336): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
.\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x\stm32f10x.h(8336): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
main.c(21): error: #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block FIL *file;
main.c(17): warning: #177-D: variable "buf" was declared but never referenced int buf[]={123,124,125};
main.c(18): warning: #177-D: variable "nb" was declared but never referenced UINT* nb;
main.c(19): warning: #177-D: variable "fp" was declared but never referenced FRESULT fp;
main.c(21): error: #67: expected a "}" FIL *file;
main.c(23): error: #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier fp=f_open(file, "NEW.TXT", FA_CREATE_NEW);
main.c(23): error: #59: function call is not allowed in a constant expression fp=f_open(file, "NEW.TXT", FA_CREATE_NEW);
main.c(24): error: #169: expected a declaration if(!fp)
main.c(29): warning: #12-D: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error f_close(file);
main.c(30): error: #169: expected a declaration while(1)
main.c(64): warning: At end of source: #12-D: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
main.c: 7 warnings, 6 errors
".\Objects\first.axf" - 6 Error(s), 7 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:02