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Download code in ram

Hi to all,

I updated an old project from Keil 3 to Keil and i have a problem to test a part of code that must run in RAM

i am using jlink

I try to explain:
My main code in internal flash takes a cripted code that is in SD, loads it in internal ram and executes it. All seems to run fine (it worked with keil 3)

The problem is that i can't understand what to do when i want simply debug
For example: i want to download the code in internal ram and then start the debug of the main code in internal flash

with keil 3 i used the DownLoad command in the Flash menu to download in ram and all was fine
in keil 5, keil asks me for an algorithm (that is useless because in ram)
i already put a reference to an external ram.ini file in Debug and Utilities tabs of Option window with the code


when i use the start/stop debug session no problem, but when i want simply download in ram there is the problem

Load "F:\\Sviluppo\\Trasdata_v3_Keil5\\Loader\\Progetto\\FP0103\\Obj\\FP0103.axf"
ProjectFile = F:\Sviluppo\Trasdata_v3_Keil5\Loader\Progetto\FP0103\JLinkArm_Release.ini
Device = LPC2478
Info: Device "LPC2478" selected.
VTarget = 3.315V
Info: TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
Info: RTCK reaction time is approx. 78ns
Info: Auto JTAG speed: Adaptive
DLL version V6.12i, compiled Feb  3 2017 15:24:41
Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Jan  9 2017 17:48:51
Hardware: V10.00
Hardware-Breakpoints: 2
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          0
Found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4:
 Id of device #0: 0x4F1F0F0F
ARM7 identified.
Using adaptive clocking instead of fixed JTAG speed.
Info: Failed to program ICE breaker before Reset, using default reset strategy.
Info: Resetting target using RESET pin
Info: Resetting TRST
JTAG speed: 1000 kHz
Include "F:\\Sviluppo\\Trasdata_v3_Keil5\\Loader\\Progetto\\FP0103\\..\\Ram.ini"
No Algorithm found for: 40000200H - 4000FCABH
No Algorithm found for: 4000FCE0H - 4000FCFFH
Erase skipped!
Error: Flash Download failed  -  ARM7TDMI
Flash Load finished at 18:52:43

so how i must set keil 5 to download a code directly in ram?
or what is the right way to download code in ram?

  • Hi, I have this same issue. Did you find out a solution for that?

    I also have an issue with auto-reset. Even when I disable the "reset and run" option, Keil seems to issue a reset on J-Link, which doesn't make sense when debugging in RAM.