So I have an assigment where I need to do the following: - 10stages of brightnes (from lowest to highest) - at each button press we change stage for 1 - first brightnes is going up, when reaches maximum is going down (does not jump to 0) - button needs to be linked to timer, so timer does the counting and not the program
I'm totally new in electronics and in programming ARM. I know how to check for button press,how to toggle LED and where to set up PWM.
I know that LED brightnes needs to be controlled by PWM. What I don't know is how to corectly set up pulse,period of PWM and all that stuff about button click. I would appricate any help.
OK Download and Install STMCubeMX + package for STM32F3 , in package is documentation and example for using PWM. In CUme MX is possible crate and generate project for ARM-MFK.