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Using External SDRAM K4S56161632 as Default Memory for a LPC1788

I want to store the variables of my code in the External SDRAM,So I've made these change to Target tab of Options window :

1. Default box for off-chip RAM1 is checked (Base Address: 0xA0000000 Size:0x10000000
2. Default box for on-chip IRAM1 is unchecked
(both with unchecked No Init checkbox)

Also, I’ve edited the startup_LPC177x_8x in this order:

Reset_Handler PROC
              EXPORT  Reset_Handler   [WEAK]
              IMPORT  SystemInit
              IMPORT  SDRAMInit
              IMPORT  __main
              LDR    R0, =SystemInit
              BLX    R0
              LDR    R0, =SDRAMInit
              BLX    R0
              LDR    R0, =__main
              BLX    R0

But when I debug, as you can see in picture above, program line stops at ‘SystemInit’ line
Please notice that when Internal Memory is selected as default, there is no problem with accessing to Ext SDRAM in main.c code and it’s possible to read & write from SDRAM correctly. (for example, I checked the address 0xA0000001)

I want my MCU to be Initialized with Ext SDRAM or at best with both of them (Internal & External) but it’s not possible yet.
Do I have to change the SystemInit config?
How can I solve this issue?

Thanks In Advance

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